Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Bereshit Rabbah: more poor math – Jacob’s flocks


Bereshit Rabbah 73:11 states:

The man became exceedingly prosperous, and he had many flocks, and maidservants and slaves, and camels and donkeys” (Genesis 30:43).                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
“The man became…prosperous” … Rabbi Abba bar Kahana said: Our patriarch Jacob had one million twenty-seven thousand two hundred flocks. Rabbi Levi said: Six hundred thousand dogs. The Rabbis said: One million two hundred thousand. They do not disagree. The one who said six hundred thousand, there was one dog for each and every flock. The one who said: One million two hundred thousand, there were two dogs for each and every flock.

                            Sefaria online  Bereshit Rabbah 73:11 with Connections


The above calculations refer to Jacob’s final 7 years in Haran when he was allowed -- by agreement with Laban -- to raise herds for himself. Previously all his labours where to pay for his two marriages to Leah and Rachel (Gen, 29:18-20 and 30).

The numbers by Rabbi Abba bar Kahana: that Jacob after 7 years owned 1,027,200 flocks, and that he had 600,000 dogs according to Rabbi Levi or double that according to the “rabbis” -- if one dog or two were used to handle      a flock, are totally impossible and ludicrous.


Q:  How many sheep or goats are there in a flock?  Not just one or two animals but most likely at least 10 if not far more.

At 10 sheep or goats per flock, that would be 10 x 1,027,200 = 10,272,000 animals!

As for the dogs, the math does not work.  1,027,200 flocks /600,000 dogs = 1.712 flocks per dog.  Not a one dog per flock ratio!

Even with the “rabbi’s” calculation of 2 dogs per flock, this still means each pair of dogs still worked 1,712 flocks.

Put differently, for the dog to flock ratio to be 1:1, it would need to be 1,027,200 dogs. And if 2 dogs per flock, a ratio of 2:1, Jacob would have needed 2,154,400 dogs.

It would also mean that Jacob, starting with whatever small herds he had on day one, would add to his herds an additional, on average, over 146,742 new herds each year for each year of these 7 years!


Such wild numbers also ignore sheep and goat reproduction and grazing needs.


Reproductive biology. [i]

·        Sheep and goats give birth once a year in the late spring when food becomes plentiful.

·        First time births are one lamb or kid, but later on sheep and goats can have up to 3 lambs/kids at a time.

·        Ewes and does become sexually mature and can reproduce within the first year after birth.

·        Females have a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years.

·        They are most productive re breeding offspring between the ages of 3 to  6 years old.


Now, it is true that reproduction of  more than one lamb or kid per year becomes exponential, but rapid birthing to the mufti-millions required by Bereshit Rabbah 73: 11 is not viable in just 7 years. And not all lambs and goats are female.

In fact, male lambs and kids are prominent in Torah law sacrifices: specifically, two in their first years every single day of the year as the “Olah Tamid” (Exod. 29: 38-39 and Numbers 28:3-9), the sin offering (Lev. 9:3) and also at the Passover seder meal (Exod. 12: 5 -9).



Sheep and goats need lots of grazing space.   

One adult sheep requires per year 0.19 acres or 750 sq metres of land full of grass.[ii]   Or, put differently, one acre of grassland (0.4 hectares) is needed to feed just 5 to 6 grown sheep.[iii]  And similarly for goats.[iv]

A flock of 10 sheep or goats – mixture of adults and lambs/kids-- would require at the very minimum 1.5 acres of grass per year.

And Bereshit Rabbah’s 1, 027,200 flocks – even if each herd were a tiny 10 sheep or  goats --would require 1,540,8090 acres of grassland!

If 20 per flock, 3,081,600 acres of grassland!


Now, the location of ancient Haran, where Laban lived, is disputed. But it would have been in modern Turkey or adjoining Iraq.[v]


The entire country of modern Turkey is 783.65km[vi] or 193,645.12 acre.[vii]  And    25% of Turkey is high mountain ranges.[viii] A net of 145,233.75acres of usable land.

The entire country of Iraq today is just 437.07 Km2[ix] or 108,002.35 acres.  And 30%   of Iraq is mountains.[x]  A net of 75,601.65 acres of usable land.  

So, even at tiny flocks of 10 heads each, Jacobs herds – based on the Bereshit Rabbah figures – would have overrun the entire country of modern Tukey or Iraq.

Jacobs 10 sheep/goat flocks would have horded all their respective land: grassland and agricultural, crop growing lands -- and towns and cities.

A total, ludicrous impossibility.

As for sheep dogs, the Bereshit Rabbah figures are equally, if not more so ludicrous.


Sheep dogs

Dogs were domesticated in the earliest of times throughout the Middle East. Numerous Ancient Egyptian wall murals (linked to their gods) and statues of dogs have survived.  And so too with the ancient Mesopotamians who created numerous wall reliefs of gods with dogs wearing collars on leases, and free-standing dog statues. [xi]

Aside from being popular pets and hunting dogs, dogs were trained and to be guard dogs: to protect homes from thieves and the flocks in their pens from wild animal predators and to herd sheep as they roamed the grassland pastures.[xii]



The earliest Sumerian reference to sheep dogs is in the ancient poetic narrative, Dumuzid’s Dream, lines 95-97: [xiii]

95-97. “If I reveal your whereabouts to them, may your dog devour me! The black dog, your shepherd dog, the noble dog, your lordly dog, may your dog devour me!”


In the (Hebrew) Bible, only once, in Job. 30:1, are sheep dogs mentioned:


א  וְעַתָּה, שָׂחֲקוּ עָלַי-- צְעִירִים מִמֶּנִּי, לְיָמִים:
אֲשֶׁר-מָאַסְתִּי אֲבוֹתָם-- לָשִׁית, עִם-כַּלְבֵי צֹאנִי.

1 But now they that are younger than I have me in derision, 

whose fathers I disdained to set with the dogs of my flock.


                                                                             Job 30 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre


Now training a dog to herd sheep is a complex and time-consuming process. Dogs must be pups between 6 months and one 1 year old[xiv] and their human trainer must have the required specialized knowledge and skills to succeed. [xv]

As a result, a trained sheepdog is extremely valuable and expensive.

And sheep dogs are usually needed to help control large flocks as they move around grazing areas, with one trained dog able herd up to 100 sheep according to modern testing.[xvi]

Put simply, having sheepdogs would only be needed and cost effective for large herds: not tiny 10 sheep groups or even 20 sheep clusters. And needing two trained dogs per flock would mean herds of enormous size.

So, the idea that Jacob would have 600,000 or 1,200,000 trained dogs is most bizarre and truly absurd.


Bereshit Rabbah 73:11 gives no evidence or sources for the flock claim nor sheepdog figures.

No reference to some sacred Bible verse and no (magical) gematria number link.

For the bible Bible in Gen. 30;:43 to make a general statement that Jacob became        very successful and prosperous: with many flocks and camels and donkeys is one    thing, but to believe that his number of sheep and goats were in the multi-millions          in just 7 years is just fanciful, unrealistic speculation.

And even more so the wild sheepdog numbers.

[ii] Calculated based on 20 sheep needing 3.6 acres from How Much Space Do You Need To Raise Sheep? – Family Farm Livestock

ix   Iraq - Wikipedia and conversion Convert Acre to Square Meter